Teaching activities within the framework of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Pedagogical activity at Medical Faculty in Pilsen, Charles University
Pedagogical activities at the SZŠ and VOZŠ
Pedagogical activity at Medical Faculty in Pilsen, Charles University
ÚKBH guarantees on Medical Faculty in Pilsen, Charles University teaching of compulsory subject Clinicall biochemistry and participates in the teaching of the compulsory subject Introduction to Clinical Medicine. We are significantly involved in the organization, improvement and implementation of the optional course "Studentská pedagogická a publicitní činnost" (Student Teaching and Publicity Activities). Teaching is performed by a team of experienced teachers. |
Subject Clinical biochemistry
compulsory, 5th year of general medicine
6 days (30 hrs) of seminars, ended with credit and compulsory exam that is realised in the form of complex electronic quiz. Teachnig is in available english language too.
Main goals (outcomes) of education
Correctly indicate and interprete laboratory results.
A journey to this goal leads from basic analytical and diagnostic properties of laboratory method, understanding of reference range concept and interdisciplinary interpretation of pathophysiologic correlates in clinical biochemistry laboratory results. Building on knowledge of metabolic pahtways in healthy human organism, absolvent should understand usage of biomarkers change for diagnosis and prognosis of prevalent and severe diseases, understand basic toxicology and laboratory monitoring of different organ functions and therapeutic drug monitoring.
Further details (requirements, syllabus, literature, exam application ...) about the subject can be found in SIS
- e-learning course (selff-assessment quizzes, study texts)
Exam is conducted in the form of complex computer quiz
- Student questionnaire (very important for our feedback and department evaluation)
Studentská pedagogická a publicitní činnost (Student Teaching and Publicity Activities)
optional, 5th and 6th year, general medicine; English students can participate
6 credits
Program and content are summarized in student information system.
ÚKBH significantly contributes to origin and working of following projects:
inter-university project inteded for medical students education, it covers all significant topics of clinical biochemistry; accessible for all members of academic network MEFANET (after log-in)
Postudium.cz is the official portal of the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Pilsen, designed for lifelong learning of health professionals. It offers a wide selection of accredited e-learning courses, organizes webinars and publishes recordings of professional conferences and educational events.
For companies and organizations we offer customized development of training courses, creation of voice-over presentations and comprehensive programs for corporate training (hospitals, laboratories).
Pedagogic team
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Prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Racek, DrSc. [CV] Professor, head of the department |
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MUDr. Daniel Rajdl, Ph.D. [CV] coordinator for education and science |
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MUDr. Richard Pikner, Ph.D. |
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Ing. Václav Senft assistant |
- Prize of ČSKB "Za výuku a vzdělávání v oboru klinická biochemie a laboratorní medicína v roce 2013"
- Clinical biochemistry - inovated interactive education by e-learning (e-book can be downoaded here)
- Prize of ČSKB „The Bestst publication in clinical biochemistry and laboratory madicine in year 2007“: MUDr. Roman Cibulka, Ph.D. and coworkers for collection of materials:
- Cibulka R., Racek J.: Metabolic disorders in patients with chronic kidney failure. Physiol Res 2007; Vol. 56, 697-705.
Cibulka R., Racek J., Pikner R., Rajdl D., Trefil L., Veselá E., Studenovská M., Široká R.: Effect of L-camitine supplementation on secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone metabolism in hemodialyzed patients. Calcif Tissue Int 2007; Vol. 81, No. 2: 99-106.
Cibulka R., Široká R., Rajdl D., Racek J., Trefil L., Eiselt J.: Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) as a novel independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in haemodialysis patients. Klin Biochem Metab 2007, Vol. 15 (36), No. 1: 39-42.
Cibulka R., Rajdl D., Široká R., Eiselt J., Malánová L., Trefil L., Racek J.: Asymetrický dimethylarginin (ADMA) jako nový nezávislý faktor prežití u hemodialyzovaných nemocných. Klin Biochem Metab 2007, Vol. 15 (36), No. 3; 160-163. - Prize of ČSKB „Za výuku a vzdělávání v oboru klinická biochemie a laboratorní medicína v roce 2006": J. Racek et al.: Textbook (2nd revised edition): Klinická biochemie, Galén, Praha, 2006, ISBN 80-7262-324-9
- Prize of ČSKB „Za nejlepší publikaci z oboru klinické biochemie a laboratorní medicíny vydanou v roce 1999“: J. Racek et al.: Klinická biochemie. Galén and Karolinum, Praha, 1999, 318 pages, ISBN 80-7262-023-1 (Galén), ISBN 80-7184-971-5 (Karolinum)
- Prize of ČSKB „Za nejlepší publikaci z oboru klinické biochemie a laboratorní medicíny vydanou v roce 2018“: J. Racek et al.: Edicational video "Gain of energy through nutrients oxidation"
- Prize of ČSKB „Za nejlepší publikaci z oboru klinické biochemie a laboratorní medicíny vydanou v roce 2019“: J. Racek: Internet textbook for Nursing colleges (branch laboratory technicians) "Klinická biochemie"
- Prize of ČSKB „Za nejlepší publikaci z oboru klinické biochemie a laboratorní medicíny vydanou v roce 2021“: J. Racek, D. Rajdl et al.: Klinická biochemie. Galén, Praha, 2021, 454 pages, ISBN 978-80-7492-545-0
Pedagogical activities at the SZŠ and VOZŠ
Medical doctors, bioanalysts and laboratory technicians of the Institute of Clinical Hematology provide teaching of clinical haematology in theory and practical exercises at the Střední zdravotnická škola (SZŠ) as well as at the Vyšší odborné zdravotnické škole and at the University of West Bohemia.
Hematology is a difficult field of medicine, extensive, demanding on memory, because children and adults, men and women have different values of the same parameter. It is also demanding on logical thinking because one must first understand the processes that lead to the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow, their function in the peripheral blood and their disappearance in the spleen. The control of knowledge is based on oral examinations and a number of marks come from written tests. Personally, I find the study of haematology fun, exciting, joyful, imaginable, because in the days of my youth, study meant cramming and memorising, searching and collating data. Current technologies allow us to penetrate through animation the secrets of a microworld whose processes and laws can only be understood by selected individuals who have been accepted for study.
MUDr. Zdeňka Hajšmanová